Welcome to you, curious.

Welcome to you, curious. Here is my blog. An original concept to share ideas by creating articles drafted in English.
You can discover the works which I execute for my language course at the university (Lansad B1.1) with Carmenne Kalyaniwala.

Enjoy it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Top tips for freshers.

You go out of the high school, arrive in a new establishment, particularly different. It is obvious that you will settle hundreds of questions.
Freshers, welcome to the university !

For your first year, it is essential to soak you on this new atmosphere. Your future is between your hands.
In the first place, spot the main places and the persons to whom you send in case of problem. There will be for it some conferences and meetings, sorts of pre-comebacks which shall allow you to get acquainted with the administration. You will also meet the BDE, it is a pupils' association which know since a certain number of years the university and its functioning. The BDE will guide you towards the good persons, and will know how to learn you to integrate the university, by the way of exits, evenings of integration... You can find a large number of informations concerning the means of integrations in the various meeting places which are in the establishment. You will always meet bulletin boards of all kinds (evenings, request / offer of accommodation / work...). It is very important to meet, not to remain alone. Have friend, bring out little. Be sociable and natural, the students are thirsty of meeting, you will quickly discover it.
It is also important to familiarize you with the working rhythm. You will have a more or less supported timetable, to you to manage your personal work. Forget your prejudices on the faculty, the higher education asks for a considerable investment, no matter the sector.
I also advise you to find a sports activity. It can be the means to meet the other students, to widen your circle of knowledge, but also of you let off stream a little, and to keep a good health. Difficult to eat balanced when we are student. Not always the time to go to the university canteen, you will be bored in front of sandwiches and paninis fat... Bad idea. Put you in the cooking ! Concoct your own meal and take it with you. Your body will be grateful to you for it, and you too. It is not the moment to have a depression because of your cellulite.
You can also find a job,  that will allow you to put some money aside, to help your relatives to finance the expenses which costs the student life, either to please you from time to time...

To conclude, move, inquire, put a lot, and do not forget that you are not there to party, but to work.
I wish you a happy new school year. Let's have fun, while keeping your seriousness.


  1. Ah! Ah! It is a joke, it is funny to say:"you can make a depression because of cellulite"And if you are slim, you do not make a depression?It is strange!

  2. It is a funny thing to say:"working, working,always working!"It is good but conciliate work and friends is better because you will work to much and you will have a nervous breakdown because you are working to much not because of the cellulite that you have!And you are funny because you say to the others to work and you do an other way!It is very illogical!I think personnaly that your tips will be useless with the freshmen and because they would like to obey to you, they will have a nervous breakdown like you!It is why your tips are not a good solution for everybody!

  3. We are at the university for our future, it is essential that the work is the main thing in which we worry. It is evident that the social reports also take an important place because they allow a better adaptation to the university system. The depression because of the cellulite was an example. You speak yourself about nervous breakdown, weight gain during the entrance to the studying life can be a real factor and the cause of a depression. The important is to never lose sight of the main part. All the frustrations such as the weight gain, or the lack of social life are to be taken into account. Feel at ease with himself/herself, it is to be able to feel good in the own realization. And it assures us a school good year.

  4. Hello !
    To me, the example with the cellulite was very funny ! You speak about all the problems of the new life at university, like doing sports, how to eat and to meet people, I liked it very much. Your posting is very pleasant to read. Maybe Jean Benoît says that because he is a man and he doesn't have those problems. Is there any nervous tension between you and him ?
    Keep cool, life's good :)

  5. I did not really understand, I believe that he did not seize my irony.

  6. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA !!! You guys made me laugh !! I won't take sides, will just correct a few things :
    You don't MAKE a depression, you HAVE a depression, or simple, you are depressed :)
    And Justine, you ARE very well, you don't GO very well ... avoiding translating directly from the French, you people !! :)

  7. Yes, I am very well. Weak error by me.
